Dedicated Supplier of Innovative Virology Products
We currently offer genetic engineered respiratory viruses expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) or other reporters. These novel viral tools allow investigators to study various aspects of viral infections not previously possible, including viral tropisms, cellular fate of viral infection, vaccination strategies, and antiviral therapeutics.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP), and/or Luciferase (Luc). This category also includes bovine RSV with GFP.
Parainfluenza Virus
Human Parainfluenza Viruses (PIV) type 1, 2, and 3, with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP); Parainfluenza Virus 5 (PIV5) with GFP; and Sendai Virus (SeV) with GFP.

Other Viruses
Human Metapneumovirus (MPV) with GFP and Pneumonia Virus of Mice (PVM) with GFP.

Customized Virus Preparation Services
We grow, titer, and purify many viruses – both wild type and recombinant viruses — from a variety of species (up to BSL-2) in our certified biocontainment labs.

Virus Deposit
We welcome the contribution of unique viruses created by individual investigators to share with researchers worldwide. A portion of the revenue generated is shared with the investigators’ labs.